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Celtic Sea Salt

Celtic Sea Salt (Fine Ground)

Our Price: $13.99
  • Doctor Recommended
  • Sustainably Harvested
  • More Nutritious than Table Salt
  • Lower in Sodium
  • Additive Free
  • Exquisite Taste
  • Certified Kosher

Product Details

Use Celtic Sea Salt® Brand salts for all your cooking and seasoning needs. Enrich the taste of your foods, all while adding vital nutrients to your diet.
Celtic Sea Salt® Brand Fine Ground begins as our coarser Light Grey Celtic®variety and is then carefully dried at a low temperature and finely ground. With a flavor subtler than our coarse salts, Fine Ground Celtic Sea Salt® is a perfect all-purpose shaker salt, for convenient use at the table, as a recipe ingredient or in baking.
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Thomas A. Edison