The foods in B Stress Complex naturally contains the antioxidant nutrients superoxide dismutase (S.O.D.) and betacarotene (listed on the label as vitamin A). S.O.D. nis one of the most important enzymes that functions as a cellular antioxidant...The absence of this enzyme is lethali [2]. Studies show that antioxidant S.O.D. appears to have protective effects for the heart, lungs, joints, kidneys, liver, muscles, and skin [14]. Betacarotene is converted, rather slowly, to vitamin A [2]; nvitamin A is essential, either directly or indirectly, for the proper functioning on most organs of the bodyi [2] and may prevent stress-induced immunological disorders [15]. B Stress Complex is a truly Food supplement for todayIs stressful society. It is a very popular with vegetarians, as well as anyone interested in a non-synthetic B complex formula.